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You are a mime (physical performer, clown, street artist, you name it… anything predominantly non verbal, yet dramatical and not pure dance) ?
Great. And you have some really good looking pictures, typical of mime?
Greater. And a website, facebook profile or some videos on the web?
Greatest. Join us!
There is four things you need to do. Get in contact with us join@mime.one and…
1. pictures
Send us your fabolous pictures! At least 5, the more the better.
Make sure that you have cleared all rights to publish these pictures here.
The pictures need to be:
.jpg (RGB-mode)
1920 by 1275 pixels in dimensions
72 dpi
between 150 and 250 KB in size
If in doubt, just send your high-resolution pictures to me, and I’ll do it for you.
In that case, make sure you send your pictures in the highest resolution you have them in!
2. infos
now, provide us with some information about you. That is:
Your (company) name
your (company’s) website
are you an individual, a duo, a trio an ensemble or an institution of some sort?
Where are you located?
country and city (in english)
name the one or more styles of mime you pursue / specialize in?
Is it pantomime? Marceau-style? Decroux-style? physical theatre? Tanztheater? clown? street performance? magic? Name your main and the least specific style first! (if you don’t find one of your styles here, invent a new one!)
and what are you doing with mime?
performing? directing? devising? teaching? Again, name first, what you do mostly.
If you are an individual, when did you start doing mime seriously or when did you start your formation? If you are a company, when was your company founded?
At least the year.
if you like, provide some links to your profiles in social networks to be shared here on mime.one
(facebook, instagram, vimeo, linkedIn and the like… ), plus if you like: a contact email or your phone number (international dialing format). In order of appearance.
show your videos! provide links to your video(s) you would like to share here.
vimeo, youtube… Up to 9. Vimeo prefered. In order.
the id (file-name) of your prefered images
on any new run, these images will show first before your other images. provide the image-file-name(s)
mimes / companies on mime.one you are affiliated / work frequently with now.
name their mime.one ids. (if in doubt, their name)
mimes / companies on mime.one you collaborated with / learned from at any time.
names or mime.one ids.
a mission statement from you; some prose, why mime will save the planet; your defintion of mime / art / life / God…
Something along these lines. A personal note from you to share with us. Max 200 words
some nice quotes about mime (eg “ rendre visible l’invisible „ )
tell us! In original language and english translation. Plus originator.
an admin-email for me to reach you for admin-purposes
not public.
3. promote
Tell people about mime.one!
Everyone joining: bring someone new to join. snow-ball…
Please link back to www.mime.one on your website (or wherever possible).
4. contribute
For now mime.one is in it’s launch-phase. beta. free.
However, once it has taken of – say when we have at least a dozen people / companies together – I would like to ask you for a monthly donation. It’s completely up to you how much that is. Can be symbolic, just that I know you want to continue with mime.one